One Version, Two Models: Leaf Single-Edge Razors are available in two models. They are nearly identical, however, the Thorn Razor has additional space under the blade allowing for more skin contact and even closer shave. The Twig Razor is a mild razor best suited for lighter hair growth. The Thorn Razor is a medium razor best suited for coarser or tougher beards
Precision Shaving: The Twig and Thorn Razor feature a fixed head at an angle that mimics that of a cartridge razor. Unlike a traditional safety razor, which uses a double-edge blade, the Twig and Thorn only feature a single exposed blade allowing for confidence and ease when shaving concave and tight areas
Maximum Control: Maintain greater control of your shave with the Twig and Thorn Razor’s backweighted handle
Easy Blade Loading: Confidently replace the blade of the Twig and Thorn Razor with Magnetic Load Assist. Open the blade holder by twisting the bottom of the Twig and Thorn counterclockwise and use the magnet and notches on the blade holder to guide the single-edge blade into place
Cost-Effective Refills: There are no costly replacement cartridges required with the Twig and Thorn Razor. Instead, refill your razor with any standard safety razor blade. Snap a double-edge safety razor blade in half or load-up with single-edge safety razor blades instead
Plastic-Free & Eco-Friendly: Achieve a plastic-free shave with greater comfort than a traditional safety razor. The Twig and Thorn Razor are all metal and compatible with stainless steel razor blades. Recycle used blades in Leaf Shave’s Blade Recycling Tin